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Pornography by Simon Stephens
Photos by Marc Cook-West, Charlie Hills, Talyn Crouch and David Best
Cast included: Trevor, Mia, Sidonie, Sandi, Marc, Georgia, Eileen, Joy, Rowan, TJ, Nadine, Lesley, Conor, Azina, Linda, Phil and Courtney
Crew included: Nick, Alison, Andy and Jack
2023 KDA FulL Length Play Festival nominations:
Best Actor - Conor Pavitt WINNER!
Best Actress - Eileen Warner
Best Lighting
Best Set Design
Best Sound
Best Stage Presentation
Best Technical Achievement
Ensemble Acting
Initiative in stage presentation
Best Director - Nick Cook-West
Adjudicator's Special Merit Award WINNER!
WINNER - 2nd Place!

Gallery: Gallery
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